Anyone looking for a job?

Peter Korsten EMAIL HIDDEN
Wed Oct 3 21:39:33 CEST 2012

Op 3-10-2012 17:13, Tony Scharf schreef:

> We don't get too play with such things here I am afraid.  This is an
> insurance company, and they take things quite conservatively.  Using
> MS SQL Server was a compromise since the head office wanted us to use
> Oracle but we sure as hell didn't want to pay for that at our level.

Hmm, we run everything if possible on Oracle, but then again we get 
special rates because we're part of a very big multinational. I don't 
know the exact rate, but it's not 10%, if you catch my drift.

The only things that run on SQL Server is stuff from Microsoft shops, 
such as SAP.

Funnily enough, we have to run Oracle's Siebel on Microsoft Windows, 
because it's only supported on Oracle's Solaris on SPARC, not on Solaris 
on the x64 virtual infrastructure that we use.

> MySQL would be fine, but the head office in Hanover gets itchy about
> open source.  I use it anyway, just not for core production stuff.

We use MySQL if we need to. We used it for a project where the IT 
manager wanted to prove that you can run everything on open source 
software, but it's a bit of a bugger when MySQL drops your database in a 
clustered environment when you do "select 1 from dual"...

- Peter

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