A wireless solution for your average MIDI studio ..

Fri Jul 15 20:18:54 CEST 2011

> A - they don't trust or feel software is right for them.
> B - They established their live rig a long time ago, and why change
> something that works?
> C - They are not aware of what software could do, but would change
> their rig if they knew they could.

D - they bought a synth, and they want to use it, but having an "escape" from the synth User interface over ANT to their i/Device is what they need (as in, its crap).

> A & B are going to be a hard sell.  C maybe a target, but I feel they
> will go the laptop route as more learn about it simply because you can
> do so much more with a laptop than you can any combination of hardware
> synthesizers.  For the cost of a Roland or Korg workstation, my laptop
> does more than any of them.

True, but your laptop doesn't work as well as an iPad or so on, in terms of reliability.  Well, yours might Tony, but generally I think laptops are soon to be passé, and I really mean that not so much from hatred but just from the perspective of "iPad2 synths are really, really, really good'er than many people give them credit".

So you don't buy an iPad2 and a controller rig, but you do buy a Roland workstation, because you want 'a real keyboard and safe UI' for making music, not emails .. well .. in that case, if you have MIDI, why not bridge it directly to your i/Device for the 'new wave' of plugins/user interface management .. 

>> Well, I must admit that I am blinded by the roomful of ANT devices I have available to see and work on right now,
> This is the biggest challenge you face coming up with a product.

Well, a big one, but not the biggest.  ;)

> I think requiring people to jailbreak their device in order to use
> your product will significantly reduce who will be interested.

I'm not suggesting its a requirement, I'm just wondering if I can get ANT working on the iPad this evening. ;)

Jay Vaughan

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