Dave's AN1x lives!!!!

Wed Nov 3 02:48:17 CET 2010

Strange, I was just playing an AN1x they have at a local shop, and I
thought about your keyboard.  Great to know you got it working!

Now if only I could have the same luck with this damned Korg ESX-1....arg.


On Tue, Nov 2, 2010 at 6:53 PM, Dave S <sly at mu-sly.co.uk> wrote:
> Holy shit!!!
> Peter K and other Music Bar old timers may remember that back in about
> 2003-ish, part of my Yamaha AN1x died.
> I would turn it on, and it would crash after a few seconds with a
> blank screen, and never finish the power-up message.
> I took it apart, and on the off-chance it would help, I removed the
> "DMS XS316" DSP daughter board just to see what happened.  It fixed
> the problem instantly, but I was left with a monotimbral AN1x with
> only 5 voice polyphony, no ability to morph between scenes and so on.
> It was half the AN1x it used to be, but still made a fine controller
> keyboard and could be sampled where necessary.
> Due to constant money troubles over the years, I never got around to
> contacting Yamaha to get a replacement daughter board, and recently
> resigned myself to the likelihood that as this synth is now 13 years
> old, it's probably not possible to get the replacement parts from
> Yamaha any more, and that the chances of getting a spare daughter
> board without buying at the very least someone else's broken AN1x, and
> perhaps even a full AN1x, were pretty remote.
> Recently, I started getting a low battery warning on it (first time in
> the 12 or so years I've owned it), so ordered a replacement CR2450
> battery.
> Tonight after removing all 33 screws necessary to open the case, and
> inserting the new battery, I thought, just for shits and giggles, that
> I would try re-connecting the old daughter board just in case.
> It only went and worked!
> I swear I tried this before when it first went wrong.  Daughter board
> = crash.  No daughter board = boot.  I must have checked it 10 times
> or more before giving up, and it definitely wasn't having any of it.
> So, I'm fully preparing myself for the possibility that it may crap
> out again soon, but for the moment, all seems to be fine.  Perhaps it
> was just a dirty connection or something?  Anyway, I've switched on
> and off a few times, checked out some sounds, and damn, I'd forgotten
> just how amazing this synth sounds when it's working in it's full
> glory.
> It's like an old friend is back again, and I'm very happy indeed.
> Here's hoping it keeps working, and if it does, you'll be hearing it's
> return into my music soon enough.  :-D
> There is something else slightly wrong with it - the ribbon controller
> has gone a bit "automatic" along the X axis, in that it thinks I'm
> pressing on it when I'm not.  This doesn't make the synth unusable,
> but it's not optimal as it messes with the sound unless I disable the
> ribbon controller in the routing matrix.  Has anyone else had this
> happen with a ribbon controller?  Does anyone have any ideas how to
> clean it?  There are a couple of pots in there on that board which I
> might try turning, as presumably they are for adjusting sensitivity,
> so maybe that will fix it, but any experience anyone can pass on would
> be much appreciated.
> All the best,
> Dave
> PS. Peter, you can finally stop nagging me to get it fixed now hehehe!
>  (Until it breaks again, that is, but fingers crossed that won't
> happen.)
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