Test? Is it safe?

Tue Apr 28 15:17:47 CEST 2009

Chris Strellis wrote:
> Electric cars won't save the world in terms of energy usage but they
> will allow the pollution to be a localised to fewer places in the globe
> (power stations) where it can be dealt with there.  I say go Nuclear!

There are other advantages to the electric car.
The main one most seem to overlook is it is simpler mechanically.
There is potentially much less professional maintenance required, less 
mess (unless your batteries explode, feel the fear) indeed, a lot of 
these cars could be much easier/cheaper to keep going than a petrol 
beast as long as it's engineered well from the start.
It's possible, with a big investment in Solar or Wind to recharge 
without hookup to the mains.

When a battery emerges that's got the same amount of storage as Li-Po 
but half the size/weight, electric cars will have a range of about 100 
That's enough for any woman ;)

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