All this mention of samplers

Sun Sep 28 16:37:11 CEST 2008

> I've imaged the original, sketchy disk and backed up the lot with  
> disky.
> I tried, just as an experiment, to copy partitions0 of the disk around
> in the image and it kind of worked, but not right ;)

There are two partition maps that must be updated - partition0, and  
partition512, if I remember correctly.. Bit dodgy, though.

> If I can locate the SFS thingies is there an easy way to extract the  
> wav
> data back out? There's only one sample I want...

Not really.  If you get A3kDOS.exe (someone must have it somewhere),  
then you can do a full file-by-file dump, and maybe one of the files  
will be extracted - because of the way the A3k sampler saves its  
files, it could be that its not loading your sample because its part  
of a corrupted PROGRAM file, whereas the SAMPLE files are still intact.

> It's ok, I managed to extract the samples by searching for the sample
> names in roughly the right place. Extracting a big chunk of the data
> round about and importing in Wavelab as mono 44100 big endian.
> I can reconstruct the sample loops easily enough now...

Okay, well that sure is a fun Sunday afternoon project.  Right now, in  
between snotty tissues and nappy changes, I'm trying my best to get my  
head around OpenGL ES ..

Jay Vaughan

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