Loving my new Aspire1 Rig ..

Tue Nov 11 12:11:55 CET 2008

Well, I spent some time over the weekend upgrading my Acer Aspire One
mini-notebook - added Bluetooth, an extra 1gig of RAM and an upgraded
32-gig SSD drive .. removed Linpus entirely (ack, spit!), swapped the
32gig drive in for the old 8gig SSD, and then did a fresh install of
Ubuntu 8.10 (Intrepid Ibex) with Gnome-DO and AWN as my main
launcher/window management interface, and well .. its helaciously
slick, this little machine!  Put all my favourite apps onboard -
seq24, zynaddsubfx, amsynth, hydrogen, audacity, ardour, inkscape,
omsynth, dssi, bristol, puredata, etc. - and now its a humming little
fancy box!  Feels so nice too, everything runs very fast (got the
ICC-built kernel onboard as well), and I'm really impressed with just
how nicely its all working .. All I need now is the touchscreen mod,
and I'm pretty much set that this will be my most-used machine for
development from now on .. even considering selling the MacBook Pro
and just going all-Linux again!  WTF?!

Seriously, if you've got the patience, give Ubuntu 8.10 a try .. with
AWN and Gnome-DO, its almost a perfect system user interface, too ..

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