1TB drive : Inevitable

Andy Tarpinian EMAIL HIDDEN
Wed Feb 6 00:43:11 CET 2008

On Feb 5, 2008, at 6:29 PM, Joost Schuttelaar wrote:

> On Feb 6, 2008, at 12:21 AM, K9 Kai Niggemann wrote:
>> Have any of you Macusers been able to get CCC (carbon copy cloner) to
>> reliably and incrementally back everything up automatically?
>> it has always failed me and Timemachine (10.5) feels like such a
>> wonderful thing, even though I feel like I *should* have been able to
>> wrestle CCC into compliance...
>> I use an external 500GB LaCie tfor TimeMachine and it works really
>> well. Today for the first time Timemachine told me that the drive is
>> full but that it erased the older and redundant backups in favor of
>> new stuff and that I should get more space if I wanted to prevent  
>> that
>> from happening in the future...
> I prefer to use Disk Utility. Boot from an external drive with OS X
> installed onto it. Do a full disk image of your entire disk.

I used this guy when I replaced my macbook hdd


it's nice as it makes a bootable back up on an external

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