live 7 and midi - still not right

Fri Dec 14 14:36:39 CET 2007

As always, 5 minuts later I find the culprit.

For some reason, the MIDI Driver types were set to 'DirectSound'
instead of 'MME'  I switched that and the latency disappears..


On Dec 14, 2007 7:26 AM, Tony Scharf <noisetheorem at> wrote:
> I think ableton hates midi.  Either that, or they just hate me.
> I havnt purchased the upgrade yet, but was playing with the demo.  I
> have verified that there is latency with MIDI notes going through
> live, but not audio.  If I play a key on a keyboard with local
> control, the note plays with indistinguisable latency - I hear it
> right away.  if I play the same keyboard from another keyboard thats
> going through live, it gets about a quarter to half second delay.  If
> I hook the instruments directly with no computer at all between them,
> I get the near zero latency again.
> I thought MIDI timing was one of their big 'improvements' in this
> version.  Apparently, they didnt really improve it, but decided to say
> they did (in my country, we call that a lie).
> I was really excited to upgrade, but now I am really not sure its
> worth it to me.
> I should mention that I have several older programs that do NOT have
> this issue at all. Sonar 5 and Cubase SX3 do not have any such MIDI
> input~output latency issue that I have ever experienced.
> its *midi*.  simple..stupid..honest..MIDI.  how hard can it really
> honestly be to take the MIDI input from one place and shuttle it to
> another?  certainly not has hard as doing the same with audio, which
> live does very well...
> Oh well.   Guess I am saving some money this upgrade season.
> Tony

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