Wavestate VST

Tony Scharf tony.scharf at outlook.com
Wed Mar 23 18:32:15 CET 2022

I don’t regret purchasing mine.  Also have the software now at a significant discount.  I’ll probably still use the hardware more.  The physical interface it provides is better than you’re going to get by linking a controller to a daw.

I’m going to demo the OpSix Native as well.  There, I have the same issue, though.  The new generation have made these synthesis methods much more accessible than in the past.

From: music-bar <music-bar-bounces at lists.music-bar.org> on behalf of Joost Schuttelaar <joost at joostschuttelaar.nl>
Sent: Wednesday, March 23, 2022 10:35:41 AM
To: Music-bar <music-bar at lists.music-bar.org>
Subject: Wavestate VST

Hah! Good thing I didn’t buy that Raspberry PI + plastic controller for 699…



Joost Schuttelaar
The Hague, NL

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