CPU whine through one monitor speaker

Tony Hardie-Bick tony at entity.net
Fri May 22 17:43:05 CEST 2020

As regards the half hour time interval, is that how long it takes for
your laptop to stop charging its internal battery and therefore consume
less power?

Otherwise, am thinking this could provide an excuse to buy a 'scope :)

On 22/05/2020 14:58, Joost Schuttelaar wrote:
> Hey guys! :)
> Here’s one… since about a week I’m getting a super annoying noise through only one of my Equator D8’s. You can hear it here: https://jstsch.com/misc/2020/5/2020-05-02_equator-noise.m4a
> “It’s always the cable” as Gert would say. But it’s not, swapped the balanced jacks around, and also swapped the monitor position, in case there was more RF at that spot than the other. Makes no difference.
> * The monitor speakers are directly connected by balanced stereo jacks from a Focusrite Scarlet 2i2 V2.
> * When I unplug my displays (and the laptop is running from battery power), the noise stops.
> * The noise is not always there. Today it struck me that it seems to disappear after the speakers have been powered up for about half an hour.
> * Everything is powered from the same circuit.
> Might it be a bad capacitor in the offending Equator, which causes ‘dirty’ power with CPU noise to leak through?

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