Arranging Electronic Pieces for “Human” Performance

Niall Munnelly niall.munnelly at
Tue Dec 8 13:04:30 CET 2020

I got to thinking that it could be fun and edifying to arrange this
electronic piece for chorus and acoustic instrument ensemble. Of course, I
have no experience with composition, notation, or anything like that. :)

I figure I’ll take a first pass by simply micing and multitracking myself -
I’m not as interested in the actual ensemble as I am the re-interpretation
of the electronic piece.

Have any of you done this before? Basically re-arranged one of your
electronic track for acoustic instrumentation (or even virtually so, with
samples, etc)? Very Alarm Will Sound, I know. It seems like a cool way to
kickstart creative ideas as long as you’re not dedicated to a single mode
of production, ie synths, samplers, whatever.
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