AMT8 in Catalina

Peter Korsten peter at
Mon Apr 27 22:06:08 CEST 2020

Op 27-4-2020 om 11:54 schreef Joost Schuttelaar:
> On 26 Apr 2020, at 22:31, Peter Korsten <peter at> wrote:
>> Oh, you mean the brand? It's called mio.

Except this is the Mio, with not quite as many USB ports. It's got one 
USB-A on the back, and a USB-B on both the front and back. It also has 
10 MIDI in and out ports.

> Well that’s a clever one indeed. Not sure if I love or hate the idea that it does USB midi on the box… sure looks the most fancy out of the bunch.

Why would it be a problem? You don't have to use them, but you can 
connect your USB-enabled gear to it. Now how all the routing would go... 
I suppose I'd have to read the specs.

> Wonder what the USB-C -> Ethernet -> Midi latency is. And what would happen if I’d plug in the NI Komplete Kontrol over USB, would it still work fully?

Not a clue. I'm planning to purchase the Arturia Keylab MkII at some 
point, but after this whole corona nonsense blows over. We're on a 
spending stop, and the only things we spent on (other than on food and 
medicines) are a cleaning robot (since the maid can no longer come), and 
a donation to a cat sanctuary.

I can see the merit in having the Ethernet connection, but mostly if you 
have some sort of distributed setup (and then you still need to deal 
with audio) or if you connect it to your home network so that you can 
use it from a wireless device, such as a tablet or perhaps a laptop.

- Peter

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