cash to spend...

Mikael Hansson forums at
Wed Mar 13 22:05:55 CET 2019

> On 13 Mar 2019, at 21:13, tom adam <tom.adam at> wrote:
> Currently the Moog Subsequent 37 is on the top of my list! I also like the P12, but not too sure about the interface...
> There's the Rev2 and the Proloque both 16 voices, good interface, but they sound vanilla to me when it comes down to evolving, special weird, soundscape sounds.
> So, what synth would you pick?


I owned a Sub 37 a few years ago, sold it after a week as it didn’t resonate with me. Tried Joost's Prologue, really liked the sound, maybe overall a bit soft and lush in character. Have a Rev2. Sound is ok, not the best but I needed a good keyboard and wanted an analog poly…

Others to consider...maybe the Behringer ones, Model D, Neutron, MS-101 and the upcoming Pro-1 or the Elektron Digitone for some FM.

Tried the Prophet X the other day and really liked the sound but it’s unfortunately so da%@n expensive.


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