<DKIM> Audio editor for Mac

Cyrille Damez cyrille.damez at laposte.net
Sat Apr 7 17:07:18 CEST 2018

I've been using Audacity for the past ten years, although more for
working on complete tracks than individual samples. I don't think it
ever crashed on me, except when running out of disc space. However, I am
afraid there is no automation for crossfading loops, so you'll have to
manually duplicate the loop, edit the volume envelopes, and mix down,
but there's probably a way to create a script to do that for you.

On 06/04/2018 19:54, Kim Johnsson wrote:
> Hi Guys!
> What’s your preferred audio editor on the Mac? I’m looking for an alternative to Sound Forge, which keeps crashing all the time. I need to be able to create loopable samples with crossfades, all other features are less important.
> Cheers,
> Kim
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