some new tracks

tom adam tom.adam at
Wed May 3 21:45:48 CEST 2017

Hi Gert Thanks!!

I'll have a listen to the file you send me tomorrow in the studio. 
Looking forward to hear what you did with it!



On 03/05/2017 17:19, Gert van Santen wrote:
> Op 2-5-2017 om 19:38 schreef tom adam:
>> Hi guys,
>> Link to some new music, enjoy. I can't remember posting any of
>> these track over the last weeks so I guess they're new for you.
>> Back to lurking mode, too busy with work - children/wife - music
>> and above all training for my first (1/8, 1/4 and 1/2)
>> triathlon(s) this summer.
>> (BTW PJ Markovic will come back to Belgium in a couple of weeks,
>> so I'll be abandoning the 'back to my roots' music making. So
>> enjoy the last tunes of this series, or not ;-) )
>> Cheers,
>> ToAd
> Hey, Tom,
> Very nice!!
> My favourites are "Eight" (love the fat bass) and "Kosjer" (because of 
> the Belgian lyrics).
> If I were you, I might consider selecting the best of all those 
> efforts and put them on line CD-Baby, iTunes?)
> You should do some mastering, before you do that (I tried "Kosjer" and 
> will send you the result.
> Cheers,

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