Jam Setup!

Gert van Santen g.vansanten at upcmail.nl
Thu Mar 9 00:30:41 CET 2017

Op 8-3-2017 om 23:59 schreef Joost Schuttelaar:
> PS Gert, when you’re arriving? Micke’ll be the first probably already tomorrow evening :)

OK, that's a bummer. I can only stay for one day, the Saturday. I 
wanted to phone you tomorrow, but since we're talking now, I can 
do it here.

I have completely and very suddenly been inundated with 
unexpected work, and actually I'm sort of not even able to leave 
the house at all for the next 6 weeks.

My publisher, in al his wisdom, decided a week ago, after I just 
finished a translation, to send me the final version of the novel 
I thought was ready to send away. There's so many changes that it 
has cost me almost an extra week to do the edits. This means I 
will have to start the next translation, which already has a 
horror deadline without the extra work, a week later too.

Don't want to bother you guys with this stuff, but I'm working 14 
hours a day :-(

Anyways, I will be there on Saturday, but I'll have to leave in 
the evening. Coming by train, btw, and I'm sure it's going to be 


gert van santen

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