Time to clean house...

Tony Scharf tony.scharf at outlook.com
Thu Sep 15 01:39:09 CEST 2016

>> Umm.. hello.. that is still a very, very fat setup.

Agreed.  But they each have a niche, see.  There is something essential in each.  Or a truly emotional attachment (PolyEvolver).  I
A few more things will probably go in time as well.  Everything I'm left with is what I'd consider a best in class instrument. I'm trimming off an unbelievable amount of fat. 

On Sep 14, 2016, at 21:50, Tony Scharf <tony.scharf at outlook.com> wrote:

> Did the retail therapy at least help you a bit?
 It did..but it was a distraction.   I needed that at the time, but I don't anymore. > So what will you have left after this? Aside from the modular stuff and 
the PolyEvolver?
 Still quite a lot:PolyEvolverEurorack ModularKorg KronosRoland V-Synth GTElectron Octatrack, Analog Four and Analog RytmEnsoniq EPS16 PlusDSI Pro 2Virus TI2 Polar Special Edition (gray one..cant remember what they called it). Really, more than anyone should need. > Glad to hear you're doing better now. I've added a photo, to remind you 
what you're no longer suffering from. :-)
 Desktop wall paper..
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