Juiced jam 2016 gear list

Peter Korsten peter at severity-one.com
Sun Mar 13 14:04:21 CET 2016

Op 5-3-2016 om 01:05 schreef Joost Schuttelaar:
>> On 05 Mar 2016, at 00:54, K9 Kai Niggemann <kai at kainiggemann.com> wrote:
>>> On 29.02.2016, at 01:21, Joost Schuttelaar <joost at joostschuttelaar.nl> wrote:
>>> Hmm, but the Roland VT-3 looks like more (live) fun… and good prices second hand… hmmm….
>> I tried it in a shop once and didn’t like it. I thought it sounded too tame.
>> Wonder how that Digitech vocalist sounds?
> It arrived Wednesday. It’s pretty crazy! The thing has an onboard mic to detect ambient sound, which it uses for things like noise gating and killing feedback.

"It" being the Roland, not the Digitech?

- Peter

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