Nice rPi Audio tid-bit ..

Joost Schuttelaar joost at
Wed Mar 2 13:27:33 CET 2016

On 02 Mar 2016, at 13:11, Marek Szulen <mszulen at> wrote:

> You can check the PlainDAC.

Yeah! I saw that one. Actually, I’m kind of interested in the SGTL5000 like used on the Teensy Audio board (, since that also has good quality stereo analog in.

The chip is like 2USD on AliExpress, so it’d be great to have a R-Pi Zero HAT with that one on it…

You could turn the R-Pi in a mad mad delay box with the 512MB RAM it has onboard...


Joost Schuttelaar
The Hague, NL

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