Starting with software-based music production

random variate randomvariate at
Thu Jan 7 23:29:36 CET 2016

Believe me Peter, Komplete is literally limitless. You have maybe 50 off the shelf sound generation instruments full of 'pretty presets'.  Delve in to the synthesis engines and you are in sound creation heaven.

Much easier to tweak than an EX5.

You get the acclaimed Massive synth (a classic) Monologue/Retrologue, FM8, and much more....FX and sound mangling instruments too.

The Korg Legacy collection is worth the price alone for the Wavestation VST (sounds likes the hardware synth), and then you get Polysix and MonoPoly emulations that are also amazing.

Arturia is also a fine collection, I'd recommend that too.


From: Peter Korsten<mailto:peter at>
Sent: ‎07/‎01/‎2016 22:21
To: Music-bar<mailto:music-bar at>
Subject: Re: Starting with software-based music production

Op 7-1-2016 om 22:57 schreef random variate:
> I would recommend NI Komplete... Its a full suite of synths (many
> synthesis engines), fx, sample/rompler type synths..and then you also
> get Reaktor, which is Endless (with a capital E). I recently spent
> more time with Reaktor and stumbled on many small plugins that are
> simply inspirational.

Ah, cool. Although I'm more into pretty sounds than all the tweaking (my
EX5 baffles me to this day), and Komplete 10 sets you back a cool €500.

> Oh, and I'd also recommend the Korg Legacy collection.... I am a card
> carrying hardware fiend (I have an OB8 due in a few weeks), but those
> two VST packs are truly amazing sounding.

200 American euros... that's a bit more suitable for a try-out.

No opinion on the Arturia bundle?

- Peter
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