ASPMA- course

Jay Vaughan (ibisum) ibisum at
Mon Sep 28 14:04:49 CEST 2015

> the course relies on Python. While they provide pretty detailed instructions, on how to install it on Ubuntu, I would like to try to use it in Mac OS X (Mavericks). But alas, it requires (so says the net) XCode, which, in turn, while free, requires Yosemite…

You can still download Xcode for Mavericks from the website - maybe you just need to register/login and go find it.  Its still there.  If you nevertheless still can’t find it, let me know and I’ll find it for you - but its definitely not unavailable.

Don’t forget to go to SysPrefs and “install Command Line Tools” too - or maybe just have home-brew do it (see below) ..

> so my question is: "really?”

Yes, no, not really.

> Or is there an alternative on Mavericks?
> I do have that old macbook with Ubuntu.. but since I can work on exercises on trains, I'd like to have it on my "real" macbook..;)

Alternative suggestion: Use a VM on your macbook (VirtualBox is free and runs decently) to make an Ubuntu instance and just enjoy all the freedom that F/OSS provides?  Sometimes its not worth the hassle to work around all the barriers that OSX puts in your way to doing things, “the F/OSS way” ..

Another thing is: you should really use home-brew ( to install Python on OSX, no matter what you do, so make sure you’ve got a good home-brew install first - and don’t forget to “brew update && brew upgrade && brew cleanup” before you go installing anything else new with it .. in fact, do that every day or else you’ll regret it.

Jay Vaughan
ibisum at

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