diode diodeladder at free.fr
Wed Nov 18 14:21:20 CET 2015

Le 17 nov. 2015 à 23:45, Joost Schuttelaar a écrit :

> Yes…. just in time, happy birthday Denis! Hope you had a great day and you’re feeling healthy!

Hey thanks all, it helps keeping spirits up. :) You all rock (and sex and rock'n'roll, with bleeps)

Well, it was a shitty birthday (they usually are) but I've been setting new records yesterday. ;) Birthdays in hospital are not that great…

Lot's of bad news yesterday evening, like two coworkers of a friend (same office), also 2 friends of the son of a person I know well died on Friday. They all were enjoying the cafés and restaurants in the 11th where the shootings happened. Even if it's "away", it shakes a bit, especially as my family including me had a go at places with bombs in 78, 92, 95 at most a few hours before. I missed "mine" by 90 minutes. Even if it's irrational, you can't shake it away like that.

Fortunately my sister sent me a very nice birthday netpostcard, it did marvels afterwards. Love her! \:D/

I don't know what's happening now after the St Denis incidents this morning, but I keep hearing police or emergency vehicles all sirens booming for 30 minutes and I'm far from St Denis (the operations ended there 3 hours ago). I hope it's only a coincidence… :-/ The people dead or arrested today were planning an attack on La Defense (towers, lots of societies headquarters, 2 large commercial centers and a crowded transport hub). I'm not far from it (but away enough to be as safe as can be).

I think I need one modular synth more… ^^ (GAS at work)

diodeladder at free.fr

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