Live 9.5 - 64bit?

Marc Sims avarlinqui at
Sun Nov 8 11:14:07 CET 2015

Yeah, with live its not the memory I've noticed to be the problem but the CPU load which even with a pretty decent spec i7 can stack up quite quickly.
On another note the few changes in 9.5 that I've noticed have been pretty cool, a couple of extra buttons (legato and dupl loop) in the midi note editor pane so far have been very handy and help speed things up.
Would like to get my hands on link now and see where I can use it best to give me multiple control surfaces, something I've been missing since going from a midi controller and keyboards / sound boxes to the current all in one PC approach.
Subject: Re: Live 9.5 - 64bit?
From: ibisum at
Date: Sun, 8 Nov 2015 10:45:58 +0100
To: music-bar at

> 3.5 GB. That's the maximum amount of memory you can use on a 32-bits (Windows) system. Which is why any self-respecting system runs 64-bits these days.
> - Peter
Maximum RAM upper address limit on Linux 32-bit is 64GB, if you’ve got PAE enabled (36-bits of address space).  Max-per-process is still 4GB with PAE, though.
Its not therefore a case of 64-bit being ‘better than 32-bit’, its a matter of whether the application warrants the large-number scenario.  Like, really large numbers.  Sure, 64-bit OS’s have other advantages: larger word-sizes mean incremental changes to existing code-base can be ‘wrapped’ with new bolt-on features, but for the most part the 64-bit address spaces are ‘big-number’ territories.  If you switch to 64-bit, expect your filesystem requirements to also have an exponential flip or two.  64-bit apps can create big files fast..
My opinion: For Audio, 32-bit is fine.  Its just fine.  Even if I didn’t already use an OS that made the whole addressable-memory space question moot, I’d be quite happy with 4gigs of RAM for AudioAppBlah to do its thing.  Thats a lot of data.
However, there is a social factor: the companies are all ‘moving to 64-bit’ in lock-step with all the other players in that eco-system.  It doesn’t make a lot of sense that we just rampantly do it as consumers, though .. its not really us that need it.
Jay Vaughan
ibisum at

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