Return of the moog

ibi sum ibisum at
Mon Jan 19 20:36:44 CET 2015

I think its great that Moog is back in business and back making these wonderful machines - no question about it.  But I’m with you - I think the Buchla is a more interesting instrument.

However, neither are anywhere near my budget - it’ll be clones for me, if at all, in the modular department.  I also think the Euro-rack scene is far more interesting .. some of the newcomers to the modular market are a little more interesting, imho. Moog has this ‘well, its standard and everyone knows it’ stigma for me at this point.

I look forward to hearing what people end up doing with the Moog modular though.

Jay Vaughan
seclorum at

Jay Vaughan
ibisum at

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