GAS .. oh god the GAS .. it hurts so bad ..

ibi sum ibisum at
Mon Feb 16 14:05:30 CET 2015

> Somewhat related: an iPad app that tries to be a soundscape machine:
> I don't have iOS 7, so I couldn't try it in mine. But you may find it does something useful...;-)
> Enjoy…!

I’m officially overwhelmed by the iOS music-making app scene.  There are so many apps .. on my machines already .. that I don’t even use.  So I’ve got an embargo on new apps at the moment.  Sucks, because its too fun to just load up with all the latest crap, but I’ve got to put the things I’ve already purchased to better use/more use before I feel comfortable with continuing the addiction.  Its a very, very vibrant scene though, isn’t it?  Every day new toys.

Jay Vaughan
ibisum at

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