10 best analog mono-synths ..

moron moron at industrial.org
Tue Dec 22 18:06:19 CET 2015

On Tue, 2015-12-22 at 10:39 +0100, Jay Vaughan (ibisum) wrote:
> Some really nice gear in this list .. The Boomstar seems to hit the 
> sweet spot between price/performance ..

I just ordered one of these myself:


Haven't got it yet but based on videos looks like it is very close to
the mythical death industrial live performance synth I have been after
for years.  2 oscillators which can both double as LFOs (0.2Hz to
10kHz), 24db filter, inline volume knob per oscillator, output kill
switch plus a physical envelope / gate trigger button (YES!)  All that
in a small, low height box that should fit my gear case.  

Why Roland tried so hard to hide the release of a synthesizer obviously
designed specifically for me I have no idea.



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