The arrival of the modulares interface ..

ibi sum ibisum at
Thu Oct 23 11:35:15 CEST 2014

For iPad:

My thoughts:

This is really like the last wall to total performance from the new-gen of digital synths and music machines. For anyone with a long-borne love of hardware synthesizers, dedicated machines, or perhaps those with a general disinterest in software-synths/plugins from the general purpose computers (PC's/Mac's) in terms of inspiration/creativity, seeing this kind of device finally being constructed is a watershed. Bring it on! (todo: check for the 3d-printable variety and then get crackin' ..)

From the point of view of physicality, such a device is in high demand. As much as it is functional, and a part of our life today, the touchscreen interface still suffers some severe limitations. Performance with physical devices, custom-made for the job as most musical instruments and sound-manipulating devices are, really matters to musicians. Touch-control over parameters is not nearly as reliable - and directly interfaced with the intention of the user - as a knob, a slider, a physical button. These things work far more reliably than touch, especially in high-performance, potentially high-load (on the intellect behind the finger), situations.

So, this is something I'm very happy to see, because if it works out, it will solve a significant issue with using touchscreen-devices on stage: sometimes you want to rock, not slip.


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