I haven't played ____ in a while

foRUMS 4 punkdISCO forums at punkdisco.co.uk
Mon Jan 20 20:43:21 CET 2014

Hey all

Synths that I don't use for a while the get blown away by them are:

MKS80 - monster!!
MB6582 - Okay, this one does not really count as I tend to only ignore it
for a few weeks rather than months/years.  But even after a few weeks of
ignoring, it then blows me away..

Btw, I seriously believe the MB6582 could possibly the most flexible
analogue synth ever!  No exaggerating!

As an example, consider the 2 "free" envelopes you have per voice (in
addition to the dedicated env for each of the 6 oscillators has):

2 DAADDSRR envelopes sources with
	- optional non-linear curve control for Attack/Decay/Release (from
-127 to + 127)
	- Positive/Negative (invertible) depth. 
	- Delayable
	- Different Loop Point configuration possible
	- Synchable to MIDI Clock
	- Retriggerable via Trigger Matrix
	- each stage has its own level so, Attack1 to AttactLevel1, Attack2
to AttactLevel2 etc

And these envelopes are just standard - every component you look at has this
level of control.

Plus, its super simple to use as the interface has been designed by a

But Im sounding like a stuck record :(


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