dNAMMit 14

Andrew Tarpinian andrewtarpinian at gmail.com
Sat Jan 18 17:06:20 CET 2014

> On Jan 15, 2014, at 6:56 PM, K9 Kai Niggemann <canine at waf80.de> wrote:
> Sent from my phone
>> On 15.01.2014, at 18:07, Tony Scharf <entropymagnet at noisetheorem.com> wrote:
>> Actually...can you name an analog synthesizer that isn't at it's base subtractive?  Its like....99% accurate.
> Does Buchla count? 
> (I feel like the "99%" has a double meaning in this case, too...)

F**********ck namm hasn't even happened yet and I'm damn tempted for a voice of this:


I was going to do a makenoise system, then looking at the Buchla easel, but now this :)

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