If you could design a music product ..

Gert van Santen g.vansanten at upcmail.nl
Thu Jan 9 17:40:58 CET 2014

Tony Scharf schreef op 9-1-2014 16:51:
> Why not just make the entire music process into a single button
> push.  Press the button and instantly your a music star!

Hmm, that wouldn't be much fun ;-)

I was just thinking of a way to simplify the process of 
re-arranging blocks in, say, Live without the whole clicking and 
dragging thing. You would still compopse your own music, of 
course, but it would be a lot easier to check different arrangements.

I sometimes make music for commercials (mostly small internet 
thingies) and business videos, and I could see how this would 
make my work more efficient. Time is money here :-)

It's not much to build a new piece of software or hardware on, 
but I would like it as an xtra feature.


gert van santen

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