SSD Drive (frickin hate computers!)

Mikael Hansson forums at
Mon Dec 22 23:06:34 CET 2014

What kind of service is this, do you connect through some kind of modem or is it just a network jack in the wall?
How do you authenticate to the service?

Have you checked the standard settings, like the tcp/ip settings for ip and dns assignment.

Have you tired sniffing the traffic with something like WireShark, my best friend when there’s some network/firewall problem.

> On 22 dec 2014, at 21:58, foRUMS 4 punkdISCO <forums at> wrote:
> Hi Jay
> I checked the MAC address and it does not appear to change before / after the clone.  So, both my instances have the same MAC but one works / one does not work.

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