Merry Christmas Gear?

random variate randomvariate at
Wed Dec 17 23:10:09 CET 2014

I tried the TB-3 this eve and was impressed.

Interestingly, the full character of the sound was not captured by my phone microphone.  Loads was lost. Suggests a huge amount of low and high transients that require decent A/D to capture.

In real life... It sounds like an emulation... But a darn good emulation. Next test will be to try it in the mix and see how it sounds. I'm hoping it probably sounds pretty close to the real thing once it has some friends.

And, in any case,the tweakability of the unit as a monosynth surpasses the 303. Plus you get verb and delay on some of the pre programmed sounds, and the grungelised versions.

Thumbs up from me... Until I get bored 😉

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From: foRUMS 4 punkdISCO<mailto:forums at>
Sent: ‎17/‎12/‎2014 21:46
To: 'Music-bar'<mailto:music-bar at>
Subject: RE: Merry Christmas Gear?

Hey James

That Harp thing looks lovely..  Let us know what you think..

My presents wait to come down the chimney are:

Roland TB3 (impulse purchase when I saw someone on FB selling it for a good price.  Im sure ill re-sell in a few months).

Novation SL25mk1 keyboard. Runs on batteries so handy.  The Mk1 also has two long LCD strips (my Mk2 Zero SL only has 1).

Not really a Christmas present but Im also hoping to pick up a Analogue Solutions Telemark before the year ends.  Paid a deposit but the guy is was over Christmas.

Ho h oho..



From: James Coplin [mailto:james at]
Sent: 17 December 2014 21:29
To: Music-bar
Subject: Merry Christmas Gear?

So, who bought themselves what this year? Gert picked up the SC4. I'm pretty pumped, I bought myself a Harpejji with the funds from selling my Voyetra 8. If you are unfamiliar:

The 90 day wait for the build is going to drive me nuts!


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