FabFilter Pro-Q 2 (was: New Track: "Hot Fan")

foRUMS 4 punkdISCO forums at punkdisco.co.uk
Fri Dec 5 22:52:48 CET 2014

Just download and had a play with the Demo “Free 30-day trials”.  My arse is
it a 30 day trial!  They should call it what it is: “Download today and pay
in 30 days” version..


Like Im actually going to be able to not buy this now..  Its already in 5
tracks of one of our songs..










From: foRUMS 4 punkdISCO [mailto:forums at punkdisco.co.uk] 
Sent: 05 December 2014 19:30
To: 'Music-bar'
Subject: FabFilter Pro-Q 2 (was: New Track: "Hot Fan")


Mohsen wrote:


“At this point my newest tools come in:  Fabfilter's new ProQ2 equalizer and
the ProC compressor.  I absolutely love ProQ2, hands down the best EQ plugin
I've ever worked with.  I recorded loads of volume and ProQ2 changes as
automation in Live to give it some dynamics.”


Doh!!!  I just read the SoS review a few days back and thought it sounded
ace.  Now you are making me want to buy it even more..




Why is it so frickin expensive!!  At 160euro (£125) its hardly a compulsive


Must resist




www.punkdisco.co.uk <http://www.punkdisco.co.uk> 


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