Sunday brunch 12:00, plus some info

Michael Zacherl mubar04 at
Sat Sep 28 03:46:14 CEST 2013

On 28.9.2013, at 01:52 , Tony Hardie-Bick wrote:

> On 27/09/13 23:11, Gert van Santen wrote:
>> Since the restaurant needs to know exactly how many people they can expect, I would like to ask you guys (again) who will be there on Sunday around 12:00 for brunch (I know some of you already mentioned they are going to be there; could you please e-mail me again).
> yep, me
> i'll be doing a bit of farming earlier,

is this a new metaphor for sleep? 

> but definitely should
> be done in time for brunch


BTW, count me in - I might have to leave earlier, precise time's not been set in Ams,
last info was 3pm-ish.
So if it takes me 1.5hrs (?) to go there there should be some time to stay with you.
Gert you're really great organising all that - really looking forward!
thanks, m.

keep your ears open:

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