Most common music-bar synth?

Gert van Santen g.vansanten at
Mon Sep 23 09:42:14 CEST 2013

Op 23-9-2013 8:49, Jay Vaughan schreef:
> I've got an idea for a bit of software that I want to write that is oriented around synth/music production and one thing I wonder is this:  what is the most common music-bar synth?
> That is, what is the one synth that most of us own?
> If you're interested, lets find out what the common bit of gear is among us .. here is my list:
> Access Virus
> Machinedrum
> Yamaha FS1R
> Monowave
> A5000/A3000 sampler
> SH101
> MS20
> Quasimidi Sirius
> Mutable Instruments Anushri
> Chameleon
> ASM1 (x2) Modular
> I'm going to guess its the Virus, but lets find out ..

Going for the Virus; got 3 of them. I have some other stuf too, 
but I'm mostly into software these days.

My favourite other synts (almost unused these days, I might even 
sell some of them): Nord Lead, Nord Modular 1 and 2, Spectralis, 
Prophecy, Microwave. Mopho, Electribes (all of the old ones), 
MPC1000, Jomox 999, Machinedrum. And of course there's my first 
synth, Korg MS-20, and the most recent synth I bought, MiniBrute. 
I also still have my old and trusty Roland XP-80, which I bought 
after I didn't get enough voices out of the JV1080 (sold).

Plus I really like my Akai Miniak, which I bought last year for 
our mini tour in the USA: small, light, sounding rather good, 
plus it has extra wheels and knobs for live tweaking. The effects 
in it are laughable, though.

Oh, and I love my Yamaha WX5 plus VL-70m combination - will never 
sell that - I even have a beautiful case for it since last year :-)

Have a nice day,


gert van santen

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