
Michael Zacherl mubar04 at
Sat Sep 14 15:21:34 CEST 2013

On 14.9.2013, at 13:45 , Peter Korsten wrote:

> Op 13-9-2013 20:48, Michael Zacherl schreef:
>> as you might remember I'm pretty/almost immune to gear lust, [...]
> At first, the patient will deny that there's an addiction at all. "No no, I could stop drinking any time I'd want to."

looking at my list of former gear I consider myself as 'healed'!  :-p

but braids?  mhm ... yummy!  :-)

Why would one want a Shruti or Anushri? Or Korg's new stuff?? All there already.

nonconform? noiseconform:

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