Invitation Music Party October 5th, 2013, Wageningen, the Netherlands - long post, must read

Gert van Santen g.vansanten at
Sat Sep 14 04:10:52 CEST 2013

Op 14-9-2013 4:01, deeplfo schreef:
> As a side note, I got a huge scare on Tuesday night:  during a
> competitive football (soccer) game, I hurt my left knee pretty
> badly.  I was expecting the worst, torn ACL, I have had
> many of things that have happened to the right side of my body.
> I went to the docs on crutches, and xrays were good, lots of
> swelling so didn't do MRI, but preliminary diagnosis is a pretty
> bad contusion of the knee, which, given all, is good news.
> I almost wasn't going to make it :(
> So, I am staying home, doing nothing until Oct 2nd when we leave
> for EU :-)

Phew, dude, I agree, you were sort of "lucky" - and so is your 
audience on October 5th :-)

Wishing you the best with your knee - and going to bed now.



gert van santen

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