iPad Air

Andrew Tarpinian andrewtarpinian at gmail.com
Mon Nov 4 22:16:45 CET 2013

I'm getting one next year maybe, 6-core, 32 ram, 512 flash, d500. I could actually make use of the top end system but I bought the laptop so I'll stick with that and the mid model. 

Flash I think is upgradable, it was in one of the keynote slides. People are thinking the graphics cards are too, just depends on companies making the proprietary format for the upgrade market. It might wind up making more sense to get the ram upgrade from apple, depending on if you need to have matching pairs or not. 

> On Nov 4, 2013, at 11:30 AM, Andrew Robinson <andrew at bml.co.uk> wrote:
> That depends a lot on how much freelance work I get before then, how Apple are pricing the configurable bits, and if the graphics cards and flash drive turn out to be upgradeable or not. I'll follow the usual rule of 'dont buy ram from Apple' and take advice from the After Effects gurus about the more but slightly slower cores vs better graphic cards tradeoff. I'll also have to factor in getting some external thunderbolt storage, and whatever overpriced cables I'll need to hook up my 30" Cinema Display.
> - Andy_R
>> On 4 November 2013 16:01, Kim Johnsson <johnssonkim at gmail.com> wrote:
>> On 03 Nov 2013, at 18:41, Andrew Robinson <andrew at bml.co.uk> wrote:
>> > there will be a black cylinder in my future.
>> Nice! So, what specs will you be getting?
>> Cheers,
>> Kim
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