
Jay Vaughan jayv at synth.net
Sat Mar 23 15:44:38 CET 2013

I, for a second, was pretty sure this was going to be another project announcement from you, Mr. Maddox, so my thought process went before I opened your email and read it: 

a) Cool, Paul M., is really rocking his box!
b) Great name, didn't know there was an 80's Epiphany video game
c) .. open mail .. 

Oh!  Yours is a brilliant mind Paul, and your path is clearly going to be more and more interesting, as you map it out and attain the watershed(s).

Still, Epiphany is a great name for a product, and if you made something - maybe a jam machine with seq+drums+synth(s)+knobs - I'd sure as hell buy it.

Like I buy, most, of your stuff.

So: bright things ahead, and thanks for sharing your mind with us!  Although I'm not a huge fan of Her Dark Embrace, I'm sure they're going to do fine, also.  I look forward to knowing more about your personal music direction.

Jay Vaughan

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