iPad help needed

Peter Korsten peter at severity-one.com
Tue Mar 19 19:08:59 CET 2013

Op 19-3-2013 09:58, Jay Vaughan schreef:

> As for apps - well, every single app you've ever bought is associated with your account - so no worries there.  But when you do a sync, each app is given an opportunity to back stuff up - if you've locked this with the newbie code, then you're pretty much Out Of Luck.

Yes, that's what happened. I've removed the restrictions code now, 
because I don't trust that thing any longer.

But even when I had them enabled, it's silly that you can set ratings 
and stuff, but it's only for the things you buy (Apple's credo: buy! 
buy! buy!) on iTunes or the App Store. You don't get it on Safari. 
Compared to Windows (7), where you have really fine-grained control over 
what your child can and cannot access, it's rather poor.

- Peter

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