PCIe soundcards on a budget ?

Cyrille Damez cyrille.damez at laposte.net
Wed Jul 17 21:56:01 CEST 2013

Hello Music Bar, long time no see ! (well, technically, I did see you, but you didn't see me)

I need your collective technical wisdom. I'm looking for not too expensive PCIe soundcards. I was a happy user of an MAudio Audiophile 2496, but apparently they did not upgrade it from PCI to PCIe, so you can't use them with recent motherboards. Too bad, they were just perfect for me, quality, price and feature-wise.
Specifically, I'm looking for two different soundcard with slightly different requirements:
* one is for home use. I need a decent DAC and stereo RCA in-outs are fine (I'd prefer to avoid mini-jacks)
* one is for a PC handling broadcast automation for the radio I dj for. This one needs either stereo digital in/outs or balanced analog.
Both need to be recognized on Linux. No need for multiple channels. No need for midi.

Anything to recommend ?

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