Live Music Party September

Gert van Santen g.vansanten at
Mon Jan 28 12:12:04 CET 2013

Op 28-1-2013 12:09, Paul Maddox schreef:
> Sounds great Gert, a lot depends on when we have our annual
> holiday (also in September) but I'd like to come, probably not to
> perform though.
> Keep us up to date with the organisation.

Will do :-)

> Paul
> On 28 January 2013 10:45, Gert van Santen <g.vansanten at
> <mailto:g.vansanten at>> wrote:
>     Op 28-1-2013 11:09, Jay Vaughan schreef:
>         Here we are on Gerts' side of the sun, enjoying it again,
>         wishing him a good one!
>     Thanks everyone for the nice words; I appreciate it! Joost,
>     thanks for being the first in line ;-)
>     I would like to take this opportunity to announce an event
>     later this year.
>     I want show my appreciation for the friendship of all you
>     music-bar buddies (and also my other friends and family) by
>     organizing a small party with live music from everyone of you
>     who are interested in playing a short gig for, say, 10-15
>     minutes (a bit longer or shorter is no problem). Any type of
>     music will be fine, even acoustical stuff and jazz ;-)
>     You don't need to bring all your gear, just an iPod with
>     background music and 1 synth or guitar could be enough - it's
>     not a stadium gig.
>     There will be a small PA-system.
>     Please keep in mind that this will not be a very loud event.
>     It's going to be in the vein of your regular pub gig, and
>     people should not be scared away by the noiz. Perhaps I could
>     make a slot for one louder act at the end of the evening. I
>     will personally probably do some relaxed tunes and play
>     electric guitar.
>     This event will take place somewhere in September of this
>     year in Wageningen, probably this pub:
>     It's going to be a weekend of meeting each other and having a
>     few beers, dining out together, plus one Saturday
>     afternoon/Evening with live gigs and a party. No stress, just
>     fun, music and meeting friends. With a bit of luck we'll even
>     have nice weather.
>     Details will follow later in the year.
>     I hope that some of you guys will find the time and the funds
>     to come to Wageningen for a couple of days and play some
>     music for small a crowd of, say, 30-40 people. Why not plan a
>     short vacation around it?
>     Cheers!!!
>     Gert
>     --
>     gert van santen
> <>

gert van santen

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