Well don't I feel silly...

Tony Hardie-Bick tony at entity.net
Wed Jan 23 20:18:56 CET 2013

On 23/01/13 18:48, Gert van Santen wrote:
> Op 23-1-2013 19:18, Tony Hardie-Bick schreef:
>> On 23/01/13 18:15, Kim Johnsson wrote:
>>> Gert wrote:
>>>> I have an old MS20 (end of the 70's, I guess).
>>> Me too.
>> both versions came from some time around then :)
> So how can one know if it's an old or less old version, then?

i must admit, the only way i know is to take it apart and identify the
green chips on the PCB

there may be some serial number chart somewhere, but i'm afraid i
don't know any more than this

anyone else?

Tony (HB)

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