Well don't I feel silly...

Tony Scharf noisetheorem at gmail.com
Mon Jan 21 18:46:59 CET 2013

Yep..I missed it up.

Its hard to tell the scale from the jack plugs, so who knows..

Sorry to get hopes up.


On Mon, Jan 21, 2013 at 11:41 AM, Gert van Santen <g.vansanten at upcmail.nl>wrote:

> Op 21-1-2013 18:38, Tony Scharf schreef:
>  Its interesting you say that, James, because on Korgs website
>> there is a picture of am MS20 and MS50, but they aren't the
>> originals.
>> The patch cables are mini cables and the power switch has an LED
>> which is not on the original.
>> http://www.korg.com/**Synthesizer <http://www.korg.com/Synthesizer>
> Hmm, I'm sure that's an original SQ10 on that MS-20...
> Gert
> --
> gert van santen
> www.gertvansanten.nl
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