Facebook for bands

Tony Scharf noisetheorem at gmail.com
Fri Jan 18 22:49:19 CET 2013

Yes, pretty much.  Or just do it as Paul PunkDisco. You can also use your
real name and lock it down to share nothing and be unsearchable.  When you
post on the punkdisco page you can choose the option of using facebook as
PunkDisco.  That way your posts and your personal account are separate.


On Fri, Jan 18, 2013 at 2:57 PM, punkdISCO <forums at punkdisco.co.uk> wrote:

> Hi Tony****
> ** **
> “Your talking about a user account.   You just setup a page FROM a user
> account and then that page is owned by your user (though you can use that
> page as your identity once it is created).  Pages are generic for
> anything.  You can later define it as a 'band page' as part of the setup
> and the applications you add to the page (soundcloud, for instance).“****
> ** **
> Okay, I get that model BUT, I never link my surname with my band as I dont
> want the shite I write via punkdisco being linked in Google back to “me”.
> I think you are saying I create a FB account for “Paul Doe“ then have a
> punkdisco page off that account.****
> ** **
> Does that make sense??****
> ** **
> Ta,****
> ** **
> London****
> www.punkdisco.co.uk****
> ** **
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