Apple Airplay

Peter Korsten peter at
Wed Jan 2 00:50:02 CET 2013

Op 1-1-2013 16:55, Tony Scharf schreef:

> I think it does.  No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't get every piece in the system talking to every other and working properly.  I just gave up.  I am sure I could have got it working, but I really just don't have the time to tinker like I used to.  The Apple TV was plug and play.

Odd, I didn't need to do anything on my computer or BD player to share 
items (except that I have my videos stored in a non-standard location, 
but that's easily configured).

The biggest issue is that, when you download something, it can be in a 
format that DNLA doesn't support, but that's easily overcome by using 
something like Serviio.

- Peter

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