HBD James!

Jay Vaughan jayv at synth.net
Sun Feb 10 09:56:29 CET 2013

> You might be right. FWIW, it might've been late 1996/early 1997, or even mid 1997 at the latest.

The easiest way to remember is this: 3 months before Diana, Princess of Wales, died. I returned to LA from Japan on that day, and started the more popular teklab lists (an1x-list,cs1x-list,a-list,music-bar) during my Japan days.

> FWIW, here's an (abbreviated) email from the main man himself (Jay Vaughan, founder of TekLab, AMPFEA, SLN, and all these lists that's dated June 16, 2001, that dates the original formation of Teklab and the first couple emailing lists as of June 16, 1995.

TekLab was established and had many other lists before the a-list .. I got my A3000 in Japan the day it was released, and set up the a-list the very same day.  But we had other stuff going on there too - the awe-list, for the AWE32 FTP archive, and so on ..

Jay Vaughan

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