RPM 2013

Gert van Santen g.vansanten at upcmail.nl
Fri Feb 1 00:08:39 CET 2013

Op 1-2-2013 0:05, Peter Korsten schreef:
> Op 31-1-2013 21:56, Gert van Santen schreef:
>> Yeah. Flu is bad...
>> Get better everyone.
> I've been fighting allergies/asthma since, what, November? And
> right now it looks like I'm on the losing side...
> The thing is, there's something in our house, maybe it's the cats
> (although they're around all year and in summer I'm fine), maybe
> it's the humidity, but it sure is debilitating.
> But the irony of it all is that, in order to feel better, I have
> to go to work...

Now that is very strange, Peter...

BTW, sorry to hear about your allergies/asthma playing up so bad 
- especially in your own home. :-(

Get better, too.


gert van santen

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