Anyone using AR?

Jay Vaughan jayv at
Thu Aug 22 13:05:11 CEST 2013

One of the nice things about having my own business is that I sometimes get a chance to do fun stuff with product and sales demonstration projects .. and lately it seems that the subject of Augmented Reality (AR) is a hot topic.  

So I've done two demo's with AR tech this year, for some big brands, and some heavy-industry types looking to make some waves in their documentation of Big Machines.

And today I saw a proposal for an AR app that is quite .. well, lets say .. intriguing from the perspective of music-making.

What do you guys think of AR?  Would you consider it as a way to make tunes, or is it more of a gimmick right now, until we get retina-implants?  I see it for documentation as being a huge boon .. nothing quite like having a User Manual that has embedded videos and 3d demonstrations of maintenance procedures in it .. but I'm curious if any of you guys have played with any of the AR apps out there, for making music and if so: what did you think .. ?

Jay Vaughan

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