I Feel Love - notes?

Tony Hardie-Bick EMAIL HIDDEN
Wed Sep 26 21:00:45 CEST 2012

On 26/09/12 16:36, Marc Nostromo [M-.-n] wrote:
> http://www.colinfraser.com/m700/keio-TS201012.pdf

achhh.... now i have all the information

at first sight, it's very interesting... i don't know exactly what's going
on here, but the diode ring etc indicates some very different distortion
mechanisms, more similar to the moog use of variable resistance across
balanced pn junctions, but different topology which is not like the
moog, nor like either MS20, so, all-in-all, lots of distortion, and a
different filter style... absolutely freakin fascinating

would probably contact colin frazer and ask about topology, but....
that's when i get a chance to do this, who knows when

it would be.... more detailed and different, compared to the DFM1,
more challenging

totally awesome sound

Tony (HB)

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